Natalie works with all of our students in the library each week. She is caring and willing to help with anything. She is the kind of person that sees that something needs to be done and just takes it on. She goes above and beyond to ensure that our students have their computers in working order and ready to access their academic support software. She takes initiative whenever something is mentioned and gets things done quickly, efficiently and at the highest quality. We are so lucky to have Natalie at Liberty School "Making Things Happen"!
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
September SMOTM
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
We are just days away from the first day of school! Have you completed online verification for your student? Complete the steps today by visiting
about 1 year ago, Sioux City Community School District
Checklist for back to school. Shows a clipboard with three checks for online verification, paying curriculum fees, and immunizations
Did you know?
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did you Know 8
Did you know?
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did You Know 7
Did you know?
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
did You Know 6
Mark your calendars for back to school night on August 22!
about 1 year ago, Sioux City Community School District
Back to school night, August 22. Preschool through 5th: 5 to 7 PM. 6th through 8th: 5 to 7 PM. 9th through 12th: 6 to 8 PM.
Did you know?
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did You Know 5
With the 23-24 school year just around the corner, we are highlighting a few things that make Liberty School unique. We are planning a great year for our Jr. Wolverines!
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did You Know 4
House Spotlight
With the 23-24 school year just around the corner, we are highlighting a few things that make Liberty School unique.
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did You Know 3
House Spotlight
With the 23-24 school year just around the corner, we are highlighting a few things that make Liberty School unique. We can't wait to see our Jr. Wolverines!
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did You Know 2
House Spotlight
With the 23-24 school year just around the corner, we are highlighting a few things that make Liberty School unique. We are planning a great year for our Jr. Wolverines!
about 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Did You know 1
Online verification will open on August 8th. At that time you will be able to finish registration for your student, plus see schedules and teacher names. Check out the list of things you can get started before August:
over 1 year ago, Sioux City Community School District
calendar with a check mark over August 8
Check out this great resource for our families!
over 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
June Food Give Away
Just a quick reminder! #SCCSD
over 1 year ago, Sioux City Community School District
text reads: reminder. the last day of school is May 30. all schools dismiss one hour early. have a great summer!
Today we celebrated some of our ROARing students with Positive Referrals! Great job, Jr. Wolverines!
over 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Our fifth graders got a chance to visit and tour West Middle School today! They are getting excited for the next chapter in their journey!
over 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Click the link below for Liberty's May Newsletter
over 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Summer School letters will be sent home again today for any student that qualifies. Please look for these in Thursday folders. We would like to have students take advantage of this opportunity to continue their learning. Call 279-6845 with questions.
over 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary
Our students work so hard everyday to show respect, take ownership for their actions, choose a positive attitude and demonstrate responsibility. Here are some of our students who have received positive referrals this year so far!!
over 1 year ago, Liberty Elementary